‘Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you’ve got to say and say it hot.’ D.H. Lawrence

‘Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you’ve got to say and say it hot.’ D.H. Lawrence

Through my love of music, art and folklore I have developed a serious of seasonal workshops and talks. I’d love to share my interests with others, so if you would like more information about talks or mini-concerts for small groups, local organisations, festivals, etc. please get in touch.

Talks and music

  • The Language of Flowers (Words)
  • The History of Carols (Words and music)
  • Christmas Cornucopia (Words and music)
  • Winter Solstice (Words)
  • The Folklore of Plants (Words)
  • Songs for a Summers Evening (Music)


The following workshops will be held in our 17th century weaving barn in Herefordshire. The barn is still being restored (see Seasonal Blog) so in the meantime, the courses can be booked for groups at your own venue or event.

Felting for beginners
Felted Easter Eggs
Felted Bunting
Lino printing

Call now for a creative collaboration with Seasons and Harmony

© 2024 Seasons and Harmony